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Taster Session

Well...our taster session went swimmingly! Lots of people attended and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves!!

The pool was a warm 32 degrees which is awesome! It means the little babies were able to enjoy the full session and Jane and I managed to last the whole morning!

Happy Snappers; Little Snappers and Snappers groups were filled with such great singing and so much fun. The Turtle session was fantastic with our little swimmers getting used to being more independent in the pool. There were big smiles all round especially from Jane and I as we were back doing what we love!

From the taster we have had so much response for booking on the sessions. We really look forward to seeing everyone in 2 weeks time!

We would really appreciate any feedback so please feel free to post on our Facebook site or drop us an email.

For those that didn't make it to the taster - IT IS NOT TOO LATE!! Email us to see if we have any spaces left - we would love to see you!

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